- bottom of groove
- дно нареза (ствола)
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian arms dictionary. 2013.
groove — [gro͞ov] n. [ME grofe < ON grof, a pit & < MDu groeve, both akin to Ger grube, a pit, hole, ditch: for IE base see GRAVE2] 1. a long, narrow furrow or hollow cut in a surface with a tool, as the track cut in a phonograph record for the… … English World dictionary
groove — grooveless, adj. groovelike, adj. groover, n. /groohv/, n., v., grooved, grooving. n. 1. a long, narrow cut or indentation in a surface, as the cut in a board to receive the tongue of another board (tongue and groove joint), a furrow, or a… … Universalium
groove — 01. Glaciers have carved huge [grooves] in the rocks here. 02. Wooden pencils are made by attaching two pieces of wood together with a piece of graphite glued into a [groove] between the two. 03. There are 119 tiny [grooves] on the edge of an… … Grammatical examples in English
groove — [[t]gruv[/t]] n. v. grooved, groov•ing 1) a long, narrow cut or indentation in a surface 2) hfi a track or channel of a phonograph record for the needle or stylus 3) a fixed routine: to get into a groove[/ex] 4) pri the furrow at the bottom of a… … From formal English to slang
groove bottom radius — griovelio dugno spindulys statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. groove bottom radius vok. Rillengrundradius, m rus. радиус дна канавки, m pranc. rayon du fond de sillon, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
groove diameter — The major diameter in a barrel which is the diameter of a circle circumscribed by the bottom of the grooves in a rifled barrel … Forensic science glossary
Cyber Groove — s gameplay screen. Developer(s) Front Fareast Industrial Corporation Platform(s) … Wikipedia
In the Groove (series) — In the Groove (commonly abbreviated ITG ) was a series of music video games that used a four panel dance pad. The series was first distributed by Roxor Games during a time when four panel dance games in the arcade market were on the decline. As… … Wikipedia
In the Groove (video game) — Infobox VG title = In the Groove developer = Roxor Games publisher = Roxor Games/RedOctane designer = engine = StepMania version = released = August 30, 2004 (Arcade) June 17, 2005 (PS2, North America) August 16, 2006 (PC) genre = Music modes = 1 … Wikipedia
Mylohyoid groove — Bone: Mylohyoid groove Mandible. Inner surface. Side view. (Mylohyoid groove is labeled at center left.) … Wikipedia
Occipital groove — Bone: Occipital groove Left temporal bone. Outer surface. (Occipital groove labeled at bottom right.) Latin sulcus arteriae occipitalis Gray s … Wikipedia